Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November ER Order

This Months Freebies were:

Ginger Essential Oil: Take as a dietary supplement to aid digestion

Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend : Blend creates a festive, peaceful environment.

Thyromin dietary supplement: Blend of herbs,extracts, amino acids, minerals, and pure essential oils to support a healthy thyroid.

I ordered:

Inner Defense: I refer to this as my "Thieves pill" .....I take it to boost my immunity every morning.

Essentialzymes-4: Helps with more bloat for me.

CortiStop: First time ordering: Designed to help support the female glandular system and Promote balanced cortisol levels.

Thieves Lozenges: You can never have enough Thieves oil in your life.

BLM Supplement: Supports Joint, Tissue and cell function. Got this for Husband, 18 years of Army PT is taking a toll on his hip, hoping this helps.

Abundance Essential oil blend: Attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. Contains orange, clove, cinnamon bark, frankincense, ginger, spruce, patchouli and myrrh. It smells divine.

Grounding Essential oil blend: Balancing blend used for clarity, to enhance positive emotions or to enhance spirituality. Contains White Fir, pine, angelica, spruce, cedarwood, juniper, ylang ylang. Fabulous oil.

and Last but not least Ningxia Red: I drink my red first thing in the morning with ACV and again in the afternoon for a pick me up. My kids get 1 ounce first thing in the morning and as soon as they get home from school.

Are you interested in Young Living and getting your own free oils? Please contact Me .

Peace and Love,

PS: I've linked up  Naturally His November Essential Rewards Link up

*These Statements have not been evaluated by the
FDA and are not intended to treat,cure, or diagnose.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Giveaway Time ( 11/10/14-11/17/14)

 I'm doing a Giveaway ! Are you feeling lucky?

 Contest ends on 11/17/14 @ 10pm EST. Contest is open to anyone who is not already a Wholesale Distributor for Young Living Essential Oils.

P.S. Are you here from the Immune Boosting Class? Wanting to join Young Living and get your own Premium Starter Kit? I will give the first person who e-mails me @ with I WANT IT in the subject line $20 off voucher for the kit plus the Essential Oils Pocket Reference Guide ( nicknamed the oily bible ) and a diffuser necklace.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Everyday Oils - How To Use Essential Oils

Don't forget I am giving away a $20 off a Premium Starter Kit voucher to help get you started with your everyday oils. E-mail me at to get started today.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Getting Fit thru Facebook

Have you heard of Michelle Myers or I had not either till November 1st when another page I had "liked" on Facebook had a person post a challenge for everyone to join her in Michelle's #planksgivingandprayer. Pretty neat play of words there, huh?

The premise is everyday you do a minute Plank and pray during that time, she post everyday a different style plank and a new prayer but you can always stick to the simple 1 minute Plank and your own prayer. I like the idea because I feel like I have to complete it everyday because I put it out there on someones post that I would. What about you, do you need accountability in our workout/fitness goals?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My "Thieveffer" Mop

Every night after dinner the 2 oldest children clean the floors in the Kitchen and the Breakfast Nook where we eat. For years now that has consisted of Swiffer wet pads being used every night, at least 3 but sometimes more. When I started on my Young Living Journey one of my first Essential Reward purchases was the Thieves Household Cleaner. I used it for general cleaning around the house and when we traveled, I can mop my whole house with one capful. One night it finally dawned on me how much money we were wasting on Swiffer's when one capful of Thieves cleaned the whole house.

But I was not ready for my kids to be getting out the big mop and bucket every night to clean just 2 rooms just yet. I saved a container that the Swiffer wet refills come in and I added 1/2 a capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to half of the container filled with water. After mixing it around I grabbed all the rags around the house that were 10x10 or bigger and added them to the container.

After a month of the switch I can honestly say I'm glad I made the switch. The floor gets just as clean as it did with the 3 Swiffer wet sheets we use to use every night, thieves smells like gingerbread so my house smells yummy and we are not throwing money in the trash can every night. I would purchase the Swiffer pads at our Wholesale store at a cost of $15.47 for 60, so .26 cents for each sheet. My kids used 3 sheets every night for the 2 rooms, so one night was costing us .78 cents and when  we were done those went in the trashcan to go clog up our landfill. Thieves Household Cleaner cost me $22.00 Wholesale, so approx .64 cents a capful, its concentrated so a little goes along way. I only use 1/2 a capful so lets say .32 cents for one of my swiffer containers filled halfway with water, I usually add 12 rags to the container, sometimes more. So 12 rags of my cleaner ( 3 rags used each night for 4 nights )  cost me .32 cents, the floors get cleaned and nothing gets thrown in the trash ( I put them in our normal wash ) compared to $3.12 for the 4 nights of Swiffer wet pads that get thrown in the trash when we are done.

Think about it this way, old way cost us $23.40 a month and the new way cost us $2.40 a month. I think I'll stick with the Thieves Household Cleaner.

If you are ready for a healthy change and save 24% off of retail prices I would love to have you join my team. You can learn more about joining my team here and you can also contact me thru my Facebook page.

Peace and Love,
